Demo - Physical Wellness

Demo Course Description - Physical Wellness


Improving Physical Health and Wellbeing at Work

Improving Physical Health and Wellbeing at Work

Keeping fit at all times may not come easy to many. But striving to experience the feel-good factor is worth every effort of yours.

Maintaining wellbeing in all life aspects should be an ongoing pursuit with meeting milestones that matter to one's physicality, mentality, and sociality, being the prime focus.

Read the course to understand better.

Physical Relaxation Techniques

Physical Relaxation Techniques

Physical relaxation is essential to increase blood flow in the body to calm oneself down during stressful situations. Incorporating different approaches to take breathers during a busy day helps with better thinking, concentration, and more.

Read this lesson to understand various techniques to destress the body and mind.

Imbibing Healthy Living

Imbibing Healthy Living

Living healthy in body and mind is the asset we need to possess. If you haven't been on track to upgrade your lifestyle to a fit one, you need this.

10 Moolyans are already in a bid to make amends with their mind and body. It's never too late for you to make wise decisions. 

Are you willing to work on yourself?

Why stay Hydrated?

Why stay Hydrated?

Drinking water always takes a backbench in everyone's diet, especially during cooler climates and while ‘working’ long hours.

Read further to drink and eat water to build wholesome rituals.

7 Moolyans have upped their water consumption levels with this course. What are you waiting for?

Deepa Bhat

Breakfast Benefits

Breakfast Benefits
BREAK the FAST, kick-start your metabolism and burn calories throughout the day. This course encourages making quality changes in life by good eating.
12 Moolyans who hadn’t been eating breakfast testified to have incorporated it in their diet after reading through. Are you a part of 'Team Healthy-Eating’ yet?
Deepa Bhat

Importance of Sleep

Importance of Sleep

Sleep gives your brain a much-needed break from the stresses of the day, rejuvenates your mind, and boosts immunity. 

Read further to set straight your sleep problems by making your rooms sleep friendly. 

8 Moolyans have benefited better with this course, than their expectation. Do you sleep well or just sleep?

Deepa Bhat

Energise with Exercise

Energize with Exercise

Exercise ensures proper brain function in the hippocampus region. Not only does exercise keep blood, glucose and oxygen levels high, feeding the brain, it releases endorphins into the body giving your mood a boost. 

8 learners admitted about better performance at work and other activities. If you're missing out on some glow to brighten your day, why wait any longer to exercise?

Deepa Bhat