The ability to develop congruency between values and actions and realize the common purpose that binds creation together.

Finding Balance in Your Life - Wheel of Life

Finding Balance in Your Life - Wheel of Life

Different people perceive life in ways that matter to them. But giving fair amounts of attention to various departments that make one's life is important.  

'Wheel of life' helps identify and analyze shortcomings and/or overdoing. 

Learn the course to know how the wheel of life helps catch sight of areas in life, to become a better version of oneself.  

Mindfulness in the Workplace

Mindfulness in the Workplace

Being mindful in situations that can cause one to be stressed out is a biggie. In order to be creative, productive, and engaging in one's workplace, individuals have to learn the art of being mindful.

Focusing amidst the clutter has multiple benefits, proven to upgrade work-life experience.

Read and understand if whether you're mindful or if your mind is full?

The Life Career Rainbow

The Life Career Rainbow

Striking the perfect work-life balance is a rather difficult deal; yet is it possible to come close to it?
Finding the work-life balance that suits a person is what matters, most. Attending to demands in the professional and personal lives of a person needs utmost thought and careful handling of different activities, in both areas.
Learn further to identify the right recipe for a vibrant and fulfilling life.

Understanding Subjective Well-Being

Understanding Subjective Well-Being

The state of well-being is perceived by people in different possible ways based on their career path, family status financial standing, etc.

But every individual has to be aware of his personal position in different aspects of life; what area needs improvement or where one could be slow?

Read to understand better.