Improving Self-Confidence by Building Self-Efficacy

Improving Self-Confidence by Building Self-Efficacy 

Honing the trait of self-confidence is essential to achieving success in all aspects of life. Lack of confidence often derails even the simplest of tasks, while an over-confident you is equally counterproductive. Therefore, it is important to predict your abilities correctly to build a lasting source of motivation.

Read this course to dive deep into the how-tos of boosting efficacy and learn how to build sustainable self-confidence.

Mental Toughness

Mental Toughness

We sometimes backslide from our personal and professional life responsibilities because of our inability to cope with difficulties. The reason being, we don’t take care of our mental health just as our physical. Dive deep into the course to know more.

8 Moolyans have started minding their mind with this course! Are you toughening your mind or is your mind making things tough for you?

Tackling Demotivation

Tackling Demotivation

If you're burnt out and wondering how to fight your battles in your personal and professional life, help yourself without second thoughts, by reading this course. 
Work to increase your self-motivation to focus on life's intricate details.

7 people thoroughly enjoyed the sections of the course and have boosted energy to endure their bummer days. 

What are you going to do about yours?

Find the flow through Self Awareness

Find the flow through Self Awareness

Align your actions and values to be your 'authentic self.' This course helps affirm yourself of your uniqueness.

5 people who took up this course could objectively evaluate themselves, manage their emotions, and align their behavior better. 

Now the question remains, are you willing to change for the best?

Breaking free from the anger trap

Breaking free from the anger trap

Understand a strong emotion called Anger.

Why some people get angry, while others don't?   This course will help you to manage anger – both your own and other’s.

The course is the most frequently visited and, best recommended by the Academy to deal with the pressing issue of embitterment due to anger. Assess for yourself, are you a good-tempered or hot tempered person? 

Stress less - Find peace amidst chaos

Stress less - Find peace amidst chaos

Being worked up about simple complexities in life make it worth living, but we cant 'own all days,' Can We? Level down extreme emotions and thoughts that feed your mind with negativity.
6 people have testified, they have begun to resist urges to let stress overcome them and have picked up measures against the force of STRESS. 

Now, are you a bummer or a booster?

Influence people with your emotional Intelligence

Influence people with your emotional Intelligence

This course is the next step once you have understood the leadership skills required for effective leadership. Emotional skills are important as any technical skill is.
5 people analyzed if they’re calm in the middle of strong emotions thrown at them.  Read up to learn more.

Are you emotionally intelligent while dealing with your workmates or are you inconsiderate to your peers?