All about Bugasura copy 1

All about Bugasura

Simplifying Tester's life! This course is updated from time to time with new content on Bugasura's new features.

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Mobile Platform -iOS

Reference files and documents related to Mobile Platform - iOS

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Charles Proxy

Charles is an interactive debugging tool, that allows us to view all of the HTTP and HTTPS calls between our machine and the Server. This includes requests, responses, and HTTP headers. Charles allows the tester to quickly find the source of the problem, efficiently sort through the different types of errors that come up, and simulate various error use cases and other scenarios.

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Developing and testing on Android

Soham Mandal, Founder of Triveous and a Mentor at Google Launchpad on Android development and testing. This gem of a course speaks of the best practices followed today.

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Postman is an application for testing APIs, by sending requests to the webserver and getting the responses. This tool allows you to design, mock, debug, automated testing, document, monitor, and publish the APIs - everything from one place. It is a scalable API testing tool that is free to download and can be used for teams of any size and a collaboration platform for API development. 

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Rest API 
REST API testing is an open-source automation technique to test RESTful APIs for web apps. It is commonly used for testing JSON and XML-based web apps. It is compatible with all methods: GET, PUT, POST, PATCH and DELETE. REST is a Java library. This guide to REST API testing will help you understand the basics. 

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A beginners guide to understanding API

An application programming interface (API) is a set of tools, definitions, and protocols for integrating application software and services. It's the stuff that lets your products and services communicate with other products and services without having to constantly build new connectivity infrastructure.