Domain knowledge points to the comprehension and understanding of the inner workings, processes, procedures and other key aspects of an enterprise.

At Moolya we work with various clients across diverse industries. As testers its not only important to work on bugs but also understand the core of the project - that's the domain. 
From Fintech to Medical and OTT, we have it all.



Newer transaction and investment options are gaining traction. How familiar are you with them?

This lesson covers - 

  • Operating functions of Cryptocurrency
  • Types of Cryptocurrencies



Monetary aide is required for different purposes. It can be achieved via feasible means.

This lesson covers -

  • How to successfully crowdfund an idea?
  • Impact of crowdfunded events

Stock Trading Fundamentals

Stock Market Fundamentals

Starting and  growing a business is a huge deal to many. This course will help garner major insights into how a stock market functions.

This lesson covers -


Commodity Exchange - GOLD  

There are several investment instruments available at hand today. But choice options are best and safe. 

This lesson covers -

  • Terminologies associated with commodity exchange - Gold
  • Different trading and investment options of Gold as a tool

Basics of Currency

Basics of Currency

Our present day currency has come a long way from what it is today. 

This lesson covers: 

  •  Primary and prehistoric transaction methods
  • Introduction of paper currency and banking system

Funds in Focus I

Funds in Focus I

Making choice decisions regarding investment of income require sound knowledge and precise information.
This lesson covers -
  • Introductory fundamentals of mutual funds and its functioning
  • Why mutual funds is a preferred option of investment?

Funds in Focus II

Funds in Focus II

Building wealth is a steady process that has pre-requisites explained in the course.

The lesson covers -

  • Important terminologies an investor should be familiar with
  • Taxation on Mutual Funds 

Internet Banking

Internet Banking

Technology has come a long way indeed and has left no stones unturned. The banking sector has been made convenient than ever. Read the course to know more about easier and secure transaction methods that are hassle-free. 

In this course, you'll learn -

  • Different modes of money transactions via digital mediums
  • The functionality of different internet-based transaction mediums