Collections in Postman

The definition of Collections is confined to just grouping of requests. But, grouping of requests can have unparalleled advantages and make the work of a software developer many folds easy. We will now learn how to step by step save a Collection.

How to create and save a collection

1.First of all, hit the endpoint and in the response box change the format to Text to see the result.


2. Now go to Collections Tab and press the icon that says, New Collection.


3. Write a name of your choice for your first collection and it’s description. In the following image you can see I chose the name MyFirstCollection and a simple description.


4. Press Create to create your first collection.

5. Now, you have your first collection created but it’s empty as of now. Press Save button in the side of address bar.


6. Choose your collection name in the panel as shown in the image. Press Save.


Now look at the collections tab, you will have the request saved below your collection name.

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Last modified: Friday, 24 January 2020, 2:25 PM